Alcamy is a flexible tool for teaching online. Curate your knowledge and any other learning content from around the web and we'll take care of everything else.
Learn from a collection of free & open topics curated by a community of self-learners. Our users share their knowledge and curate the best online resources to learn anything you want.
Anyone can create or contribute to a topic. Each topic is independently moderated by its original creators and moderators. Contributors can share resources like videos, research papers, tutorials and web articles.
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Anyone with an Alcamy account can vote, comment and summarize the resources available on Alcamy. Summaries help everyone learn things faster and comments provide valuable opinions and perspectives.
At the end of the day, Alcamy is a tool for self-learning. We provide a beautiful and user-friendly interface to discover topics you're interested in and track your progress as you master them.
Knowledge Profiles
Showcase your education, self-learning, research and certificates in a single profile.